Clinical Supervision, Reflective Practice & Consultancy

Regular supervision is provided to individual workers or small teams. This service encompasses clinical supervision of individual caseloads in addition to wider supervision on such issues as supporting survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse in residential, day care settings, conducting sex education group-work in a psychotherapeutic context and exploring the team dynamics evoked by working with traumatised clients.

Clinical supervision is provided to individuals and small teams. This service encompasses clinical supervision of individual caseloads of psychotherapy or arts therapies with practitioners working directly with autistic people or people with learning disabilities who have experienced trauma. We also offer reflective practice or consultancy on a regular basis to teams and individuals working with people with autistic people and people with learning disabilities, who have experienced trauma. The reflective practice or consultancy could be focused on issues such as supporting teams working with survivors and perpetrators of sexual abuse in residential, day care settings, conducting sex education group-work in a psychotherapeutic context and exploring the team dynamics evoked by working with traumatised clients. Consultation would be provided by an experienced psychotherapist with sessions agreed in terms of frequency and length.

If you are interested in Respond providing you or your organisation with Clinical supervision, Reflective Practice or Consultancy then please contact 020 7383 0700 or email us by clicking here

We offer consultancy on a regular basis to teams and individuals working with people with learning disabilities, autism or both who have been sexually abused and/or who have abused others.

Sessions are led by a Respond psychotherapist and last between an hour and a full day.

Please contact Training for more details.

Please fill in our contact form below for further information.