Volunteer For Us

Please see our News & Events page for new volunteering opportunities in the West Midlands in 2020

Volunteer Opportunities at Respond

Volunteers For Our Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) Project

We are recruiting for COSA volunteers.

A new and innovative community-based initiative to support young people with learning disabilities who have sexually harmful behaviours.

For more details and to find out how you can get involved email us.

Flyer available here.

Volunteers Wanted!

Do you want to tackle prejudice and ignorance around issues of harmful sexual behaviour and learning disabilities and autism in our society? You can break the cycle of abuse and reduce the risk of sexual offences in your community by supporting an individual with a learning disability and/or autism who has displayed sexually harmful behaviour.

Building on the pioneering work of Circles UK, Respond offers Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) for young people & adults with learning disabilities who have harmful sexual behaviour or have committed sexual offences.

A COSA is a group of 4-5 volunteers from the local community who meet regularly with the person with the sexually harmful behaviour (called a “Core Member”). The COSA provides a supportive social network and helps the Core Member to build a safe, positive and purposeful life which does not put himself or others at risk.

Can you spare one evening a week (meetings usually last for an hour) for the next 18 months ? Are you over 21, empathetic and with good communication skills? We need people from all walks of life. As most of the Core Members are male, we particularly welcome male volunteers.

Full training, support and supervision provided.

Want to learn more about this innovative and rewarding project ? Contact Lorenzo at Respond on lorenzo@respond.org.uk or call 0207 874 5485.

You can also see the role description.

'Being a COSA volunteer at Respond was one the most rewarding and challenging experiences of my life. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in community safety and looking for a way to prevent sexual violence.' - Former Volunteer.