Get in touch with Respond

To make a referral, please click on the link below.

This form is not for urgent requests or for raising a safeguarding concern. If you are worried about a child or adult's safety you should contact your local authority’s safeguarding team.

Please note we are only able to provide support to people with learning disabilities, autistic people and their families.

Many of our services are not free at the point of entry and we require a strong probability of funding before we are able to accept a referral.

By completing a referral, contact form or sending us an email you are agreeing to Respond processing your personal data in accordance with our Terms and Privacy Policy which can be found at the bottom of this page.

Please answer the questions below to access our online contact form

    Do you (or the person you are referring) have a learning disability?

    Are you (or the person you are referring) autistic?

    [group step03 clear_on_hide]Have you (or the person you are referring) experienced trauma at any point in life?

    [group step04 clear_on_hide]Are you (or the person you are referring) behaving in a way that concerns others?

    Are you seeking support for (select from list)

    Is the person seeking support under 18 years old??

    Do you have funding secured?

    [group signposting clear_on_hide]

    We are sorry, but Respond is not in a position to help you. Please see our Signposting page for other organisations who may be of assistance.


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