Our History

Please scroll through our history from 1991 to the present…


Respond was founded by psychotherapists Tamsin Cottis and Steve Morris who connected through their work with adults with learning disabilities who had disclosed experiences of sexual abuse.

A women’s group, based upon psychotherapy and counselling models, was funded by the Department of Health for several years.


Respond found a base in Wandsworth with One-to-One with whom they eventually amalgamated. Alan Corbett joined the organisation, sharing the role of assistant director with Tamsin whilst Steve was director.

Individual counselling and psychotherapy services were now available as a team of professionals was gradually built up, also providing supervision and consultancy.


Respond begins providing services for people with learning disabilities who were sexual offenders or at risk of offending.


Additional DoH grants for core funding and work with sexual offenders enabled Respond to move to its current base in Euston.

Establishment of a monthly organisational dynamics group run by Earl Hopper

Appointment of Alan Corbett as director with Tamsin continuing as assistant director.


Anne Alvarez replaces Valerie Sinason in her role as Respond’s clinical supervisor.


Alan Corbett moves to, and continues working in, Ireland and Richard Curen appointed as director.


Noelle Blackman and David O’Driscoll appointed as joint assistant directors and Tamsin moves across to a more leading clinical role. She leads on the development of the forensic and young people’s services and the increased provision of clinical supervision within the organisation as it expands.

Noelle leads on a new DoH funded project ‘The Elder’s Project’ which focuses on bereavement and dementia.


The Young People’s service is established.


Funding received to develop Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA).


Home Office funding awarded to Respond to recruit and train the first independent sexual violence adviser (ISVA) specifically to work with people with learning disabilities.


Noelle Blackman appointed chief executive officer of Respond.

Richard Curen continues to lead and develop the forensic services.

Responds ISVA service provides the first training of Metropolitan Police SOIT officers in working with people with learning disabilities.


In Hertfordshire, we developed a six-month training programme for senior learning disability practitioners working in health and social care. This laid the foundation for our trauma informed training programmes, now delivered nationwide.

The Action Group are engaged in the London Calling Campaign, a study of Local Authorities investigating degrees of awareness of disability hate crime.


Inauguration of two annual events at our AGM in November:

Alan Corbett Award for staff who advocate on behalf of Respond.

Tamsin Cottis Annual Lecture delivered by Tamsin herself on the occasion of her retirement from Respond this year. Download a copy here.

Alan Corbett passed away in December, his legacy continues at Respond and through his articles and books at: KarnacBooks


Respond was awarded the Bernard Ratigan Award for Psychoanalysis and Diversity by the British Psychoanalytic Council. Noelle accepted the award with the following words:

“We are so honoured to have had our work acknowledged in this way by BPC. For nearly three decades Respond has been providing psychotherapy and psychotherapeutically informed services to people with learning disabilities or autism often against all the odds.

Our beneficiaries so often have their emotional lives ignored and yet are more likely than others to have traumatic life experiences. As an organisation, we have often felt on the outside and rather invisible, mirroring our client group in fact. We are thrilled to have been well and truly seen and included by the BPC, it means such a lot to all of us at Respond.

"Most importantly it will help change the historic view that people with learning disabilities and autism cannot make use of psychotherapy. At Respond we are proud to have been able to show clearly that they absolutely can.”

My Life, My Marriage project is launched.


In November, our COSA service won the Howard League for Penal Reform Community Award in the ‘Restorative Approaches’ category, the judges recognising our work with “this complex and much neglected client group.”

Respond was delighted to be featured on Woman's Hour on BBC Radio 4 in March 2018. Our young people's service manager, Rosie Creer, talked about our model and the difference we make to young people and their families. A parent we support spoke very movingly about her daughter and the way in which Respond has impacted on their lives.


Awarded funding from NHS England to set up a one-year pilot project in the West Midlands – our first steps to establishing Respond in the Midlands.

Responds ISVA service is developed to include broader Advocacy Services, including partnerships with Solace and Women and Girls Network.


The Midlands Hub moved to its own office in central Birmingham to develop Respond’s services across the Midlands, specialising in Transforming Care, supporting autistic people and people with learning disabilities out of long stay hospitals.


Following the organisational growth, the Directorate was developed and expanded, with a new role Organisation Effectiveness Director, developed with responsibility for developing the organisational strategy and improving systems and processes across Respond. Georgina Hoare took up this role, joining in October 2021. Following this a Finance Director role was developed with Victoria Kuyela joining in February 2022. With this development, the group were renamed, as the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

Funding secured as part of the Gateway project, significantly increasing Responds capacity to offer support for people with learning disabilities who have experienced sexual harm and assault.


Respond worked collaboratively with trustees, staff and our action group to review and redevelop our vision, mission and values. From this a three year strategy was developed, seeking to increase understanding of our specialised trauma informed approach, increased access and reach to our services and continue to reduce the experience of isolation.


Respond and Bild delivered a successful joint conference in Birmingham which focussed on building the right support through trauma informed approaches and relational working.

Noelle Blackman left Respond as CEO after over ten years leading the charity and Georgina Hoare took up leading the charity, first as Acting CEO and later Interim CEO.


The year started with a significant restructure following a significant change in funding position and the closure of the Birmingham hub and Transforming Care and COSA services.

In June the board of Respond and the Board of Bild made an in-principle decision for Respond to join Bild group of charities.

Respond works as part of a partnership of four independent charities committed to a society where everyone can enjoy the same rights and opportunities. Bild, the Restraint Reduction Network, Bild Association of Certified Training and Respond are separate charities, with their own governance arrangements, who share a common set of values and vision for our society. Where possible and appropriate the charities share resources, including communications, finance, IT and human resources support, enabling them to have greater collective impact. These are hosted by Bild, with service level agreements in place for each charity.